Activity table creation

Hi team,

I’m uploading an event log file in custom app of process mining. In time of activity table creation, I find select query in yaml scripting helps me create those. But still I have query as below:

I have case IDs of 10, activity each of 5. Now I need to create activity table consisting of all records combining activities for each case. Any sample code snippet might help us to create the same output.


To combine all records for the activities, you can create an Activity Union Table.


with AddActivityCreatePurchaseOrder as (
Select * from {{ ref('AddActivityCreatePurchaseOrder ')}} – Event Model Name
ClearInvoice as (
Select * from {{ ref('ClearInvoice ')}}
DeletePurchaseOrder as (
Select * from {{ ref('DeletePurchaseOrder ')}}

Activity_Union_Log as (
Select * from AddActivityCreatePurchaseOrder
Union ALL
Select * from ClearInvoice
Union ALL
Select * from DeletePurchaseOrder

Select * from Activity_Union_Log

Thanks for the snippet and it worked fine. As updated transformation query reflects in data model with relations. Case table connected to activity table and event table. We are finding it difficult to update dashboards with all data model changes. Any tip would help us.

Hi @srijanani.kj awesome! Don’t forget to Mark it as a solution if it helped you out for others to see :slight_smile:

You might want to create a new thread and expound with your difficulty to update the dashboards if it’s a different issue.