Activity insertion in if loop

Hi team,
I am not able to insert any activity inside if loop.what am I missing??

Where are you trying to drop the activity? @saloni.darbastwar,

Can you post the screenshot if you are getting any error?

Try dropping it in Then block or in the else block, then it will help.

My guess is you are trying to drop second activity inside the block, this particular situation, you need to first drop the sequence within the then block and then try to drop all the required blocks inside the sequence

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Hey @saloni.darbastwar,

Are you not able to drop the activity from the activity pane to your if .

If that is the case then press escape key twice or thrice and try it again.I know this sounds weird but there are some issues with the ID which i fave faced.

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Ok… I will try and get back to you.

This trick worked!!! Thank you so much…

Hi Saloni,

If this solution helped you then please mark this solution and let other community members know.

Hey @saloni.darbastwar Saloni,

If this solution helped you then please mark this solution and let other community members know.

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