Activation Failed! License expired. (#102)

Getting error when licensing the orchestrator. Tried both activating online and offline. The License is supposed to be good through to 2023. The License is a standard orchestrator license.

Hi @doheron,

Can you share your Orchestrator version and the error you get?


Hi @muhammedyuzuak,

Orchestrator Version 2021.10.0
The “Activation Failed! License expired. (#102)”

Kind Regards,

Hello @doheron

Is it a enterprise licensed version and you have purchased the license ??

If yes, is it expired??

Hey @Rahul_Unnikrishnan,

It is an enterprise licensed version. Yes, the license was purchased. No, it is not expired. The prior license had expired but we received an updated license code. It is the updated license code that is throwing an error on activation


Then it’s better to check with the UiPath support team. They can check the license and assist with the activation. You can raise the ticket for the support as you are using a license version.

As you have mentioned you have already checked the online and ofline license activation.

Yes. That is what we have done. It has been several hours and they have not replied. Kinda an emergency so we are trying a lot of things to get it back up.

Hi @doheron,

Does your license not update when you follow the steps below?

If you get an error while doing these steps, please share that error. If you do not get an error but the license is not updated, you need to open a ticket to uipath.


Understood. Usually, they will provide updates ASAP. Is it a standalone license that is purchased?

Yes we have tried both these techniques. Get this error “Activation Failed! License expired. (#102)”. We have opened a ticket at this point. Just trying are best to fix it now to prevent as much backlogs and lost SLAs as possible

No, it is a package with multiple activations. One license code but it is good for multiple things - Automation Developer, Unattended Robot, and Orchestrator.

Got it, you’ve already done the things to do :slight_smile:

Then I am adding the link where common problems in licensing are shared. @doheron

Hey @muhammedyuzuak,

Thank you. Seems this is more for community edition. But it mentions deleting the local license folder. Not sure how applicable this is for orchestrator license activation.

Kind Regards,

Does it allow you to delete the existing license first and then reinstall it? Can you share the screen you call Update? It may not be in every version.


Instead of orchestrator licensing did you tried adding the license to studio? As you have mentioned the same license can be used for multiple activations.

Also if the license is still showing with the old one, do the below steps to remove it from tenant and then activate the new license.

Managing Your Licenses.

We tried to update studio but had the same issue.

The previous license has already been removed from the orchestrator. But not from the folder.