Access denied ACCESS_DENIED=0x00000005 error thrown when Executor is tried to start

i get the access denied ACCESS_DENIED=0x00000005 and the above solution does not work

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Have you diagnose the problem with following steps?

  1. You will need an administrator to resolve this problem.
  2. Open “run” and type “services.msc”.
  3. In services application, search for the UiPath Robot service and make sure that under the “Log On As” services column it is set to “Local System”
  4. If the “Log On As” column is not set to “Local System” go to the Change Log On As Setting section.
  5. If the UiPath Robot Service is set to “Local System”, then open a support request with UiPath.

Ashok :slight_smile:

How do i open a support request with UiPath?


Where and when are you getting this issue?

Is it while opening the xaml? If so check if the project folder properties are in read only or so


I get the error when trying to run an automation from orchestrator on a machine that has UiPath unattended robot in service mode


You can raise a ticket here if you’re enterprise licenced

Customer Portal.

For community edition I don’t think there is any dedicated support available. You will have to relay on Documentation, forum, knowledge base etc.

Ashok :slightly_smiling_face:


Looks like the .nuget package folder is in readonly or it is being used from shared location…check the access for that

Generally location is c:\users\username\.nuget

If modified you have to check the corresponding location


I reinstalled UiPath and the error seems to be resolved now


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