Access Azure SQL Database using SQL Server Management Studio

How to access Azure SQL for troubleshooting using SQL Server Management Studio?

To access the Database hosted on an Azure SQL Server, the SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio) tool can be used. Prior accessing the Database the local machine IP needs to be added to the SQL Azure Firewall:

  • Go to SQL Server in Azure > 'Set Server Firewall':
  • 'Add Client IP' and save it:
  • Next step, go to Azure SQL Server and get the 'Server Name':
  • Add it in the SSMS login, along with the Username + Password of the SQL Server:
  • A prompt to 'Sign-In' will be shown > use the Azure Credentials, and not the SQL server ones:

Note: Using SSMS to connect to an Azure SQL Database, it will not allow to take a Profiler from the Database