SOLVED! How to connect Azure SQL Server?

Hello Friends,

I’m trying to connect to a SQL server which is hosted in Azure. I am trying to connect azure SQL server using Connect activity from UiPath.Database.Activities using connection string but unable to connect it, getting “one or more error occurred issue”.

Data;Initial Catalog=myDataBase;User Id=mylogin@myserver;Password=myPassword

OR,1433;Database=myDataBase;User ID=mylogin@myserver;Password=myPassword

It would be very helpful if you can please let me know if any driver or library needs to be install prior to connect it along with sample connection string.

Thank you,
Happy Automation :slight_smile:


Check below post for your reference

Hope this may help you



I already read this post and contacted the author as well but did not get any reply yet hence posted new post.

Happy Automation :slight_smile:

I installed SQL Management Studio Server 2018.2 driver on server and able to connect azure SQL database using Connect activity from UiPath.Database.Activities package with below connection string

Data; Authentication=Active Directory Password; Initial Catalog=myDataBase; User Id=mylogin@myserver; Password=myPassword

Hope this solution works for others too who is trying to access Azure SQL Server.

Thank you,
Happy Automation :slight_smile:

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