A Timer acivity with various properties


I got this idea while working on some usecases. Also, I know we can record time for any process with codes but still feel the need to have a activity in studio which we can use easily.

Timer activity can have following properties:

  1. Get trigger after it is executed or trigger by any image, element, or some events.
  2. Timer stops after it is executed or trigger by any image, element, or some events.
  3. Time lapse.
  4. Different DateTime and Time formats for output(Optional).
  5. DelayAfter and DelayBefore.
  6. ContinueOnError.

@ovi @badita Please look into this if it can really work.

Also, please let me know if I am missing something or if i am wrong. :slight_smile:

is your idea matching this RPFD (Robotic Process Flow Diagram) TAT Calculator

search in youtube “robotic process flow diagram”

The main use of this reusable custom activity is build the dynamic process flow diagrams with icons to see the current
process flow with the color coding for 3 status: NotYetStarted, InProress, Completed.

RPFD will update html every time when you use this activity in your robot, it changes the status, tool tip, creates the stage diagram.

What are the use cases?

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