A column named 'Mark' already belongs to this DataTable

I want to add two new columns in my excel file i share excel file in that file there is no column with name “Mark” or “PO Contract” but it shows the error every time “A column named ‘Mark’ already belongs to this DataTable” please check it what is wrongBook1.xlsx (446.7 KB) sample.xaml (30.4 KB)

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keep both the ADD DATA COLUMN before the for each row loop buddy (outside the loop)
as it getting looped again after adding the column we are getting this error
should be likethis

Cheers @sachin_sharma


thanks once again bro but another error occurproblem

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let me check again buddy
one min @sachin_sharma

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at which activity this error occurs @sachin_sharma
we can check with the debug mode once
Cheers @sachin_sharma

edit: sorry i didn’t see the image you attached clearly
fine it occured in ASSIGN know

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in assign activity row.item(“marks”)=“X”

mention like this buddy
And change the type argument from object to string in the add data row property

Hope this should work

Place Add Data column before the loop and change the type argument as string and check MAX Length also

thanks alot

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Cheers @sachin_sharma

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