401 Error with Apps

I’ve been trying to use the Apps service and I just cant get it to work. It works fine on my colleguas computer but on mine it keeps giving this error whenever I try to launch something:

I feel like I’ve tried everything. I remade everything in orchestrator, I reinstalled basically everything that could be remotely connected to the issue. Any ideas?

Hi @Legaali_Automaatio! Please make sure that you’re running Studio+Robot 2020.4.4 or later. If you update, are you still facing this issue?

Uipath apps launching UiPath assistant but process not starting.
after some time i am getting error message like “Process error 408- Time Out”

Please ensure you have only 1 version of Studio installed, it looks like this is an issue with RobotJS. Can you share the version of Studio/Robot you have installed? Are you able to get the list of available processes on your local robot from the ‘Try It’ section of https://robotjs.uipath.com?