2016.2 License Renewal Process

Trying to renew a 2016.2.6302 Orchestrator license. Can anyone provide the specific steps required to apply new key? I can’t find information anywhere in the documentation.

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Welcome to uipath community
If it’s a enterprise version we can ask for renewal from our uipath team with a ticket but still not sure for that version
If it’s a community edition then kindly download the latest version of studio as we don’t have renewal process anymore in ce
To get the new version go to https://platform.uipath.com and login with common credentials like use gmail username and password and once after logging in click on RESOURCES tab and there we can download the application

Cheers @Bryne_Leggett

Hi @Bryne_Leggett,
If it’s enterprise version, you better talk to sales team here


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It is enterprise version and we have the renewal key, but don’t have documentation on how to apply it. We’ve already opened a ticket with Tech Support.

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It is enterprise version and we’ve reached out to Sales Ops, as well as Tech Support. We’ve also looked through the 2016.2 documentation, but don’t find any details on the licensing process.


As you said you have Enterprise license key right.

When you open Uipath studio is it asking to activate studio or not ?

Hi, please check this out- v2016 docs

We’re licensed for Orchestrator, Studio and Bots. The system is currently licensed and active, but the license is due to expire tonight. I have an updated/renewed license key, but I don’t know how to update the license in Orchestrator and I can’t find documentation on how to do it in this version 2016.2

I’m trying to renew Orchestrator & Robots.I’m licensed for 1x Orchestrator-Standard, 2x Unattended Robot-Node Locked, 1x Studio-Named User. I can’t find any documentation on how to apply the new license key for Orchestrator/Robots v2016.2


Could you please go to Enterprise Orchestrator and then License page and help me with screenshot. So that I can check and help you.

Did we check with this document

Cheers @Bryne_Leggett

Those instructions are for v2019 and don’t apply to v2016.2

There is no license page in this version, at least not one I can find.

This has been resolved. The issue was that in v2016.2 Orchestrator wasn’t licensed. Only robots and studio were licensed. Orchestrator would function as long as a licensed robot was connected to it. Once this was understood, we were able to resolve the licensing issue. Thank you for contributing your feedback.


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