This Topics Describes about how to implement Zoom App operation Like
Create A Meeting in Zoom App
Delete A meeting in Zoom App
List out User information in Zoom App
Get the List Of Meetings from Zoom app
So here you go with a brief introduction how to achieve using API Calls
The Zoom API is the primary means for developers to access a collection of resources from Zoom. Apps can read and write to the resources and mirror some of the most popular features available in Zoom Web Portal such as creating a new meeting, creating, adding and removing users, viewing reports and dashboards on various usage, and so on using the Zoom API. Depending on your app’s use case, you can choose from our various APIs and implement the features accordingly.
Using JWT
JSON Web Token (JWT) offer a method to generate tokens that provide secure data transmission using a neat and compact JSON object. JWTs contain signed payload that helps establish server to server authentication.
Steps involved to set up the JWT in ZOOM
Once you are done with JWT App from the Above Link you can test the below Attached use-case
Can you briefly explain the walk through for your workflow?
I don’t understand how it works?
My planning for the scheduling of zoom meeting is as per below:-
User will book the zoom room meeting in our company own resource booking site.
Then, we will copy the information (booking person name, starting time, duration and the booking date)
Write all the information into an excel file
Login into zoom website and schedule the meeting according to the data write to the excel.
Copy the meeting invitation link and send it to the booking person.
I was wondering how can i use the existing workflow that you share and edit it to get the result i want. test.xlsx (9.5 KB) ZoomBookingtesting.xaml (76.3 KB)
Kindly assist.
I know this is an old thread but I will ask anyway. when setting up the JWT token on Zoom, the token expires after a few hours even it setting the expiration date in the future. did anyone find a way around this ?
@David_Bishop In case if you are still facing the issue. I actually connected with Zoom team and discussed about it and the trick is to select the custom time → wait for token to refresh → Copy the token and use it.
Once you collapse the view token window or if you navigate away from the page, the token expiration time will be set to 90 minutes.
The intention of zoom in doing the same is
to have a default token with a short expiration, as a best practice
Hope this was useful for you and other facing the same issue.
I managed to fix the issue by creating my own token using the website. having tried the “Other” and entering a custom date/time it was still expiring after 72 hours. Since I used the my token have not expired. I found a blog somewhere about someone else having the same issue. thank you for taking the time to reply.
In your video, you used the jwt token from the view jwt token section. However, the Zoom website explicitly stated that this should only be done in the testing environment and not in a production environment (see here: JWT With Zoom) . How should I get the jwt in a production environment? What additional steps do I have to do?