i am trying to readl xml file from folder and extract some information from it.
but while reading the file only i am getting error.
Read Text File: One or more errors occurred. (Could not find file ‘C:\Users\asus\OneDrive\Documents\UiPath\Mexico_XML_Extraction\C’.) (Could not find file ‘C:\Users\asus\OneDrive\Documents\UiPath\Mexico_XML_Extraction\C’.) (Could not find file ‘C:\Users\asus\OneDrive\Documents\UiPath\Mexico_XML_Extraction\C’.)
you need to provide the full filepath Folderpath/filename + filetype extension
so also as mentioned by Yoichi when looping over the files contained in a directory, then use File / Directory related statements for getting the single file paths
now i want to extract around 10 - 15 values from it.
when i open xml files using edge, it open like below.
how to traverse the elements and find suppose first value (fecha) i.e Date, and also position of each elements might change in each file of xml, i.e if fecha is in third line then it might be available on 4 or fifth line.
Buyer/ Entity - In Receptor: Nombre – find out - Nombre=“FRONTIER CAR GROUP MEXICO SA DE CV”
Invoice address Domicilio / expedido en:[Spanish] – not found
Vendor Name - In Emisor: Nombre - Nombre=“ANA KAREN HERNANDEZ PEREZ”
Supplier TAX ID (vendor vat) - In Emisor : Rfc - HEPA9012159B8
Invoice Number - Serie + Folio? -=“2369” Serie=“AK”
Invoice date - Fecha comprobante Fecha - 2022-06-17T14:57:40
PO number - Su pedido - n2022-06-17T14:57:40 not found
Invoice total - Total – Total=”1173.92”