Xlsx to Xls Conversion

I am trying to save an excel file to an xls format using “select item” however it is still saved as xlsx.

Please let me know if i am missing something to make it work.


Hello there,
recreated scenario ,and this is the outcome.
Three ways to do it.

  1. Use read range and then write range(you can change the extension here .xls) (use activities under workbook) its working but when you open the file it says corrupted so no data in excel.

  2. As per your method using “select item” though it choose ("Excel 97-2003 Workbook ") but don’t save as .xls but it save same .xlsx

  3. Move file activity. (though it show some error pop up but i can see the data in excel(just keep one copy of .xlsx file before doing it)

Not sure this is fixed in 2017 as i’m using 2016.2.6274

Thanks ddpadil, I will try these options and will get back to you.

Option # 1 did the trick! Thanks!

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