Write range workbook

Hello everyone, I’m using the write range workbook activity, but I would like it not to close Excel, I would like to see the robot’s execution, is there any way?

Hey @Felipe_avelino ,
Use excel write datatable activity instead


Hi @Felipe_avelino

If you wouldn’t want to close the excel see what is the output getting entered follow these steps:
Excel Process Scope=> Use Excel File=> Write Range

At run it is not a good practice to open excel. Better option is to use Write Rnage Workbook acitvity.

Hope you understand!!

hi @Felipe_avelino

use excel application scope actvity
inside use write range acitvity
make properties visible as true

Hello, thank you for the feedback, I tried to use the Excel activities, but the data returns non-standard, I am extracting a table on the web and inserting it in Excel, but I was successful only with the write range workbook activity, but it closes when executed

Hi @Felipe_avelino
Excel activitiies opens a excel when the data is written to the excel. It won’t close.


hi @Felipe_avelino

if you want to still open your excel after write range then use activities which ever you want to perform inside the use excel file