I have some trick if you want to apply this formula to every row in your datatable you don’t need to put RowIndex.tostring
your formula will look like this (if you start from second row)
@PlutoPeaM thanks , but it has to change the cell no also.
“=IF(AND(K2>J2,K2>I2),”+“”“Enter comment”“” + “,” + “”“”“” + “)”
when its 3rd row, it should be
“=IF(AND(K3>J3,K3>I3),”+“”“Enter comment”“” + “,” + “”“”“” + “)”
Yes, when it 3rd row excel will automatically put 3 instead of 2 but you need to define your range such as “AF2:AF10” it will put this formula start from AF2 and end at AF10 and your formula will update number of row automatically