Workflow is not working on windows 7

I have a workflow which is working fine on a windows 10 machine. But when I run same on windows 7 where excel activation is failed same is not working there.

may i know issue you were facing, like what error comes up

I have used move file activity in my workflow but this activity is giving an error in the other system.

Error is The file is being used by another process.


Are you trying to move the file from shared folder ? And also check whether that excel file is opened or not the one you are trying to move it.

Before that move file activity use Kill Process activity and provide Process Name as “Excel”. It will close all opened excel files.

Yes.I did that but why it varies system to system.
Without kill process workflow is working fine in my system.But same is not working in the other system(windows 7 and excel is not activated)


Is it shared folder ?

No, It is not shared folder.