I am having a sequence named ‘action’ after throw activity.
Will the activity below throw execute if business exception if thrown?
It will stop the execution after the Throwing exception
Hi @pramod_kumar2
You can close this topic.
Do you have any issue let me know
The best use of throw is with in a trycatch block.
If the any type of excection if specified is thrown while executing.
It will skip the activities below and it will move to the catch block.
Hope this helps you!
Hi @pramod_kumar2 ,
If you like to perform some other action alone with throwing an exception means, just put your logic/activities just before the throw activity. All activities after throw will not be executed. Please make use of Try/Catch activity to handle exception in an effective way. Using ‘Throw’ activity alone is not recommended. This is applicable both exception type (System.Exception , UiPath.Core.BusinessRuleException).
Thank you.
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