Why This Exception is coming suddenly "Process: The directory name is invalid. "

Why This Exception is coming suddenly "Process: The directory name is invalid. "
Please help me why this error is coming and how to resolve this ?


Updating the packages in UiPath

check the directory which you have used

Hi @Ajinya_jorwekar

I think you have provided a directory in the process state. The directory which you have provided is invalid. Check the provided directory is correct or not.

Hope it helps!!

Check the arguments and the values that are being passed in.

not able to solve this, already check Version and all things, I dont know suddenly this error is comming, Until last run all working fine, Please help me to get out of this

not able to solve this, already check Version and all things, I dont know suddenly this error is comming, Until last run all working fine’

I have checked all Arguments, still not able to solve the issue


can you please check this once


  1. Please run in debug and see where exactly you are getting this error
  2. Open the locals panel and check the exception details from there which would give more info
  3. Did you happen to copy the process.xaml from some where?
  4. When execution is paused observe the locals panel for argument values and variables


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Did you check the actual values being passed into the arguments? Look at the values in the Locals panel on the left.

@Shiva_Nikhil @Anil_G
I have get the issue, By Mistake I have passed the File path which outside the server.
Thank You for your efforts. I really appreciated



Glad the issue is resolved

Happy Automation


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