Why I am getting blank output while split each line from text

Why I am getting blank output while split each line from text

First loop it take first line from text and second loop blank and third loop get second line from text file

is there any solution to get each line from loop

My input text file:

sample11.txt (1.7 KB)

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Can you try to add StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries at 2nd argument of Split method in ForEach as the following?



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Hi @shaik.muktharvalli1


Xaml File:-
split each line.zip (3.3 KB)

If this works for you, Please mark it as a solution, so others can refer the same. :slight_smile:

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Hi @shaik.muktharvalli1

Use the below expression in the for each activity,

Final.Split(Vbcrlf.tochararray, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).where(Function(X) X.Contains("310200"))

This expression will split into new lines and iterate the lines which having only this keyword (“310200”), then you no need to use the If condition.

Hope it helps!!

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