While creating process in UiPath it showing the below error

While creating process in UiPath it showing the below error.
The project ‘C:\Users\admin\Documents\UiPath\lscraping\project.json’ could not be opened: Access to the path ‘UiPath.Platform.dll’ is denied.

Thanks in advance.


Try reinstalling the stuido

looks like the folders are locked


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Make sure that you have the correct permissions to open the project. You can do this by checking the file permissions for the project file
Make sure that the UiPath.Platform.dll file is present and is not corrupt. You can do this by checking the file properties for the UiPath.Platform.dll file.

Hi @Smruti_Smita_Samal1

  • Uninstall and reinstall UiPath.
  • Restart your computer.
  • Log out of your user account and log back in.

Hope it helps!!

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