Unable to Create New Project

I got This message"The project ‘C:\Users\as\Documents\UiPath\BlankProcess2\project.json’ could not be opened:Access to the path ‘C:\Users.nuget\packages\uipath\19.4.7054.14370\build\UiPath\aahook.dll’ is denied" when I click on Process to open a new project on UIPATH, I have tried to change the permission but it didn’t work. I have downloaded the latest 2019 edition

Can you try running the application with elevated rights?

If it means Run as Administrator then I’ve tried. I have also given full control rights but it’s not working. I am using version 2019.4.2 on Window 7 Home Basic.


Uninstall UiPath and when you reinstall, run with administrative privileges.

Try clearing nuget cache also.

Hi @prabhat_sharma

Welcome to our UiPath Forum! :slight_smile:

My bet would be the antivirus software. Could you whitelist Studio and make sure the file is actually in this location?

Thanks all! I am actually using another machine now.