While automating a web application using uipath, How can we deal with the dynamic selector?

The below selector getting increment number,

The scenario is : Every time creating a new date folder in application, select the created folder and create a new sub folder under date folder. (So at a time creating more than 7 folder and subfolder for 7).
The problem is unable to select the newly created folder.

Already i have been try “", Using "” it’s every time selecting the 1st folder.

Hey @smewada

I got the gist, but didn’t really get the problem.
First: What sort of application are you using?
Second: Can you share the Screenshot of selectors?

Application - Sales force marketing cloud

The highlighted one (red color) getting change with number of folder.

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Have you tried to add variable to the selector!

Made a dynamic selector and add the variable in the selector.

Yes, I have created variable and passed with some extra logic but the last number of digit (which i have highlighted in screenshot) is not getting increment (like, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, & so on).

So how we create that kind of selector ?

anything else, Which can i try ?