What is the Difference Between an Variable and and "IN Argument"

Hello All,

The concept of the argument types is a bit confusing for me so am trying to dissect the problem into bits and pieces to understand them better individually … so here is a bit of question …

What is the Difference Between a “Variable” an “IN Argument” apart from the difference that one is a varaible and the other is an argument …


Lets say that you have few Workflows that are separated.
Variable cannot be accessed from one Workflow to another, but Arguments can.


variable can be used within that workflow that is within that xaml while arguments can used within the same xaml and passed to the other xaml i.e., other workflow as well
–usually variable will be named with its type in front like for integer int_variablename and for string str_variablename
–while the argument will be mentioned with the direction it is passed and used within the workflow like we have three directions like IN, OUT and IN/OUT
For IN argument naming will be like in_argumentname
For OUT argument naming will be like out_argumentname

say we got a variable str_input passed as a input to one workflow as a IN argument
so that variable is named as str_input and that argument getting that variable as value is named as in_StrInput

this would help us to differentiate the difference between them like which is variable and which is argument

hope this would help you
Cheers @Hara_Gopal


Hello There srdjan,

I know that part but my questions is specific to “in arguments”


Hey @Hara_Gopal
ArgumentDirection − It is also a mandatory field which enables us to select a direction for our argument. We can choose from following four kind of directions −

  • In − This direction means that the argument can only be used within the given workflow.Which means they are passed in and not returned in a workflow.
  • Out − This direction means that the argument can be used to pass data outside the given workflow.
  • In/Out − This direction means that the argument can be used within and outside the given workflow.

Arguments are Input and Output from a workflow.The values in the Arguments are available inside the workflow by default scope is global in workflow.
Variables only exist inside the container where they are named. So variables in a workflow are created in the workflow and are not passed in.



Hi all,

I understand @Hara_Gopal question.
What is preventing me from using variables in a Workflow instead of In_Arguments ?
If the argument is not captured in an other workflow (like Out_Arg), I dont see the benefit…


@Hara_Gopal… Yes, you can use variables until you don’t have any interactions(getting I/P or sending O/P) with/to other workflows. If you want any input to your current workflow from any other workflow… you should have to go with in_argument only.