What is the correct Attachements Input Type for a Send Email Activity?

Kindly assist with the input type needed for the Send Email activity’s Attachment(s) field. Note this activity is connected to a gmail account.

I currently used a list of the file location, in the Attachment(s) input field, as follows:New List(Of String) From { “Output\Invoice.pdf” }

This is the error message I am getting: Argument ‘Attachments’: BC36754: ‘List(Of String)’ cannot be converted to ‘IEnumerable(Of IResource)’ because ‘String’ is not derived from ‘IResource’, as required for the ‘Out’ generic parameter ‘T’ in ‘Interface IEnumerable(Of Out T)’. The selected value is incompatible with the property type.

Please help.

Hi @Thobile_Bengane

Check the below thread


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