What is the best way to populate a tagged pdf?

I have been scrolling through the web looking for the best way to POPULATE a pdf with UiPath and have only found answers for how to READ a pdf. I have a process in which I need to update a tagged pdf daily with bank rates. These rates are then posted to a customer facing web site. I initially tried to save the document as a power point slide then use the UiPath.Presentation.Activities package then save as a pdf. The issue with that is I have to re-tagged the document, initially, and then when you save back to a pdf it throws off some of the formatting. I don’t control the master template, but am only given it to populate daily.
For now I am opening the document, using the send text activity, then saving the document. This works, but is not ideal as I have to open the document and interact with it. I’m only allowed to have Adobe Acrobat Reader DC. Loading the pdf to Chrome or Edge does not allow me to make edits to it.

I previously used Nintex, which had a document generation tool that would populate a tagged document seamlessly without opening the document. UiPath is a much more refined tool, but I feel there is a gap here in technology. The focus seems to be more on reading than populating a document. Does anyone know of a package that could populate a tagged pdf without opening the document? I would prefer not to open the pdf as while I have been programming this process, my Reader DC went through 2 upgrades and broke my process each time. I would prefer to future proof this process and not have to mess with it every time an upgrade gets forced down.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time,


Hello @Kyle_Barton ,

Will that be possible to convert the file to word document and then to pdf?

Because word to pdf conversion is possible with UiPath and you can use Bookmark feature and word activities to add any values to the document and then convert to PDF document.

Please update whether that is feasible or not.

Hi Rahul,

I have not tried to create a template in word and then populate but will give it a shot. Initially when I save as word the parts that were tagged were deleted. My hope was that I didn’t have to re-tag a document every time the template changes (up to twice a year). Is there a certain package for word interaction? UiPath.Word.Activities?

Thank you for your time,


Yes… word package is available… You can watch that video in that almost all the activities are covered.

Thanks Rahul,

Using this instead of populating a PDF cut the automation from 28 minutes to 4 with no errors. This is a much more streamlines process. Still would be nice to update the tags in a pdf seamlessly but this is a great work around.



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