Web Scraping - Execution never ends


I am trying to web scrape the following website:

The data extraction works perfectly when I don’t specify a next button.
However, when I do specify a next button, the robot scrapes through all of the pages until it reaches the last one and then it gets stuck. It seems like it keeps trying to press the next button over and over.

I appreciate your help.

You can set MaxNumberOfResult in the property

I set it to 0 (for all records). Isn’t that supposed to extract all the records and then finish?

Add class to the selector, it changes from ‘ForwordBtn’ to ‘DisabledForwordBtn’ on last page.

How do I do that?

Via UiExplorer.

Assuming your auto-generated selector is something like this:
<html title='טלויזיות / טלוויזיה - זאפ השוואת מחירים' /> <webctrl isleaf='1' parentid='uc_Paginating_PageNumbers' tag='DIV' idx='3' />

This is how it should look after the changes:
<html title='טלויזיות / טלוויזיה - זאפ השוואת מחירים' /> <webctrl isleaf='1' parentid='uc_Paginating_PageNumbers' tag='DIV' class='ForwordBtn' />

Note: not tested, but should work.

Since you asked about how to do it, I’d highly recommend at least this:

And probably going through the Academy as well.