How to vlookup between two excel sheets with unique column reportid, using studiox UiPath. Can someone give an idea about it I tried on multiple ways

Hi @govindreddy_nagireddy

Please check below thread, If possible share your sample input excel and output


Uploading: file1.jpg…
[Uploading: file2
Uploading: destination.jpg…
.jpg…]() after applying lookup I need to get as destination file

I need all the information like the rows but when comparing with reportid here is unique


Files not loaded properly please send it again


[Uploading: file1
Uploading: file2.jpg…
Uploading: file2.jpg… after applying vlookup file2 looks must look like this

1st image indicate one excel file file1
2nd image indicate 2nd file2
In file2 I need to get the non matching rows like in NA in second image


Try this



The image shows an Excel spreadsheet with column headers "Reportid," "class," and "mail," listing data entries associated with report IDs 1212 and 1313. (Captioned by AI)


A spreadsheet with columns labeled "Reportid," "class," "mail," and "CD," containing four rows of data. (Captioned by AI)



The image shows a spreadsheet with four columns labeled "Reportid," "class," "mail," and "CD," containing various data entries including IDs, classifications, mails, and corresponding CD values, with one CD value marked as #N/A. (Captioned by AI)

Sequence18.xaml (15.6 KB)


You really shouldn’t be trying to do VLOOKUP. What you should be doing is reading both sheets into datatables and then using activities (like Join Data Table, Filter Data Table, etc) to do the data manipulation.

Studio x doesn’t have those functionalities


Go to activities → filter → select developer you would see datatable related activities

Also if you want direct on excel then you can use excel formula only and write it in first cell using write cell/formula and then use auto fillrange activity to drag formula till end to know after lookuo which are matched or not


When I filter as developer in studio panel it is showing warning symbol saying that it might not work as expected


as of now that is not a problem…that warnign will not stop you from running

Also I have given you another approach as well


Here in write cell it is entering the likewise shown in the image instead of path it is entering the variable


Click on Open in expression editor and give your expression in that

Like below

"=VLOOKUP(A2,[" + OutputFile + "]Sheet1!$A:$C,1,0)"


I did in the same way


NewBlankTask.zip (268.6 KB)


What is the datatype you have given for output file is it string or other for me still it’s entering the path in the write cell with double quotes which is given in write cell activity



Please follow below steps


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