Hi all,
I am trying to use RPA to send out email. But whenever it reads the code “vbCrLf” or “Environment.NewLine”, it does not give me a new line. Instead, he went to other parts of the email like scrolling down my inboxes, changing my tabs, going to other section of the email. When I remove all the vbCrLf and Environment.NewLine codes, it runs perfectly.
Is it got to do with my Outlook setting?
Hi @Wing_Ben_Wong
did u use “Environment.NewLine” or Environment.NewLine?
if you had used “Environment.NewLine” then it on’t give u a new line
eg :
input_string = “Hi”+Environment.NewLine+“How are you”
the out put of the string will be
How are you
Hope it helps you
Nived N
Happy Automation
1 Like
Hi, I was using type into function, and my programme goes something like this:
"Hi all, " + Environment.NewLine + _
“Please take a look at the xxx.” + Environment.NewLine + _
The same goes for vbCrLf. Both came out the same issue, that it will jump to other tabs, scroll through my email inboxes, etc.
(Peter Preuss)
June 4, 2021, 8:19am
With the assumption that we are talking about new lines within the mail body text
Incase of isBodyHTML is activated:
new lines can be done with <br>
tag e.g
Hello Bot, <br> How are you?
Oh. I am not using Send Outlook Message. I am trying out “Attach Window” function and other things
(Peter Preuss)
June 4, 2021, 8:26am
left mouse click on the activity (e.g. send Outlook Mail Message)
and checking on right side the properties
(Peter Preuss)
June 4, 2021, 8:27am
Please give us more details on your flow. e.g screenshot from the implementation parts. Thanks
(Peter Preuss)
June 4, 2021, 8:33am
wondering why not the send mail activity is used.
give a try on
"Hello Bot, [k(enter)] How are you"
There is a red exclamation mark at the side.
Previously I did use the “Send Outlook Message Activity” and it was successful. I thought of trying out this other method. Somehow I came across this error.
(Peter Preuss)
June 4, 2021, 8:36am
Please share as much info with us that we have a chance to check
(Peter Preuss)
June 4, 2021, 8:41am
[k(enter)] is string content and has to be surrounded by " as well.
Oh wow. It works. Thanks man!
(Peter Preuss)
June 4, 2021, 8:51am
Just do your final testing and if it is working close the topic by marking the solving post as solution. Thanks
June 7, 2021, 8:52am
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