Hello How can I call the variable on my JSON Body
for example {“AccountNumber”: +ListOfAccNumberAPI}
Please try this
"{""AccountNumber"":""" + ListOfAccNumberAPI + """}"
in here listOfAccNumberAPI value will be "1234455678"
or is the ListOfAccNumberAPi is an actual list? and you want to pass as Json Array? if so
"{""AccountNumber"":[" + String.Join(",",ListOfAccNumberAPI) + "]}"
"{""AccountNumber"":[""" + String.Join(""",""",ListOfAccNumberAPI) + """]}"
ListOfAccNumberAPi is a list, like hundreds of data.
not work for me, but thank you for the HELP
In a json string the key is a string and is surrounded by double quotes…as per syntax…and in a string to escape a double quote we use double soublequotes
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