Sorry for this post, but I’m having trouble understanding how to pass variables through the work flow. I have three separate files that I try to combine in a ‘Main’ sequence. I use the invoke workflow file to chain all three files together. The problem is that I need to pass variables between all three of them. Specifically, I have variables that use ‘Get Text From’ and I need the text they get for other other variables. I know I need to use arguments to do this, but I’m lost as to go about using an argument to send the information from the get text. Basically, my flow looks like:
Main File: {
**[Start]** ->
**[Download File]** (Get Text to Read Date) ->
**[Excel File Manipulation]** (uses Download File's Get Text to Find File Name) (Read
Range to find last cell) →
**[Excel File Import]** (uses Download File's Get Text to Find File Name) (Uses Read Range
to find last Cell for spreadsheet Importing)].
– Sorry for creating an outline instead of uploading code, the material I’m working with is very sensitive –
So, my question is how do I pass these variables through arguments?