My project requires that i get credentials from the orchestrator.
I have no problem getting the credentials, with password stored as a securestring.
I am required to enter the password in a command prompt window. Anyway to do that without converting the securestring to string first?
edit: Apologies. I asked the wrong question. I need to enter the securestring password into a config file(text file). I am currently using the read text activity which passes the contents to a string. I then write back to the file using string.replace(“password”,securestring)
Type Securetext requires a Uielement so i dont think Type SecureText would work.
Apologies. I asked the wrong question. I need to enter the securestring password into a config file(text file). I am currently using the read text activity which passes the contents to a string. I then write back to the file using string.replace(“password”,securestring)
Type Securetext requires a Uielement so i dont think Type SecureText would work.
@tzj You can use “assign” activity with “System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.PtrToStringUni(System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SecureStringToGlobalAllocUnicode(pass))” as value and convert your password(coming from Orchestrator as secure string) to string. Please see the attached screenshot for reference.