Hello, I’m trying to check in the Excel file if there is someone named Jane in “First Name” so I can use it for Business Exception. I’ve been trying to do it like “in_TransactionItem(“First Name” = John)” but turns out it doesn’t work like that. How can I do this? Thanks
Hope in_Transactionitem is ur table name.
Bracket needs to be closed after First Name
In_Transactionitem(“First Name”).toString.Trim=“John” try this
Hi @Otto_Kampas,
in_TransactionItem if this variable is a queue item;
in_TransactionItem.SpecificContent(“First Name”).ToString.Trim = “John”
if it is a datarow
in_TransactionItem.(“First Name”).ToString.Trim = “John”
you should use.
Hello @Otto_Kampas
The formula is totally depends on your requirement.
if you want to check whethe the datatable contains the particular string in that column you can do as below.
yourDT.AsEnumerable().Any(Function(x) x(“Column1”).ToString = DesiredValue)