Hi, I am designing a process flow to obtain data from invoices of different formats.I have created the temlate for different types. But when I run the process and check in the Present Validation Station it shows not extracted for all the fields. I am attaching the screenshot for better understanding.
The Form Extractor allows you to define multiple templates for the same document type, and, at run-time, it:
identifies the best matching template for the incoming document and document type
applies the template matching algorithm, based on page-level anchors, to each page from where data needs to be extracted (missing or repeating pages are not supported)
applies all field-level anchor settings to each page, to capture values associated with any potential matches
reports the identified information from the target value areas.
It also supports fine-tuning of checkbox / boolean field processing, by allowing the configuration of “Synonyms for Yes” or “Synonyms for No” value, according to your use case.
This extractor does not have learning (training) capabilities and requires configuration.