In postman I am able to use the binary content type to upload a file as seen here.
However, I cannot find an option to do so in this activity, how can i do this?
In postman I am able to use the binary content type to upload a file as seen here.
However, I cannot find an option to do so in this activity, how can i do this?
The following post will help you.
HI, I have seen this post but I do not fully understand how I can post a file with content type binary to an HTTP end point
for example if i need to post to http://connect.testwebsite…
Can you try below:
Also try using format as “application/binary” see if that works
Thank you but I am unsure as to how to structure this
@Yoichi I get these errors
I get this error when i copy the code into my file… and, where do I put the pathway of the file I want to upload to the url?
Thanks for your help
would bytes be the pathway to the file ?
Can you try File.ReadAllBytes method?
I am sorry I am really confused I need to put a file pathway into this call for example, “P:\Easyorder\UK\”
And doing this will allow me to upload the zip folder to the http link?
What is zip folder?
The file I am trying to upload is a compressed folder with .zip extension
Please extract it to normal folder in advance.
I have to upload it as a .zip folder to the http
Is it zip file? if so, you can read it using ReadAllBytes method.
It is yes, but will the code be able to upload a .zip file ?