Hi, I am using Use application activity, I want to open a files from particular folder. What activity should i use to open from a folder.
Hi @vignesh.maruthappan ,
Can you provide a bit more detail, like Where exactly you are trying to select the file from is it the File Browser that opens up when we try to upload a file to sharepoint or drive.?
Or you want to open a file within the local system.?
and If possible Can you share the snaps of the selectors you are making use of to do the Type Into where you are typing in the full path of the file.?
Looking forward to help you out.
Hi it is from a local file browser.
Hello @vignesh.maruthappan ,
Then Best option would be ‘Browser For File’ Activity only.
Please try using that. Hope it helps.
Let me know if you need any more help with it.
Happy Automating.!
I have used typeinto to go the location. But i have two files.is there any way to select one and then click open.(this process should be in loop),then go the second file then open.
Hi @vignesh.maruthappan ,
Please check activity, ‘For each file in Folder’
You need to configure the path of target folder and you can iterate through the files in it.
In case you want to achieve using the current method
Use a Loop counter variable for example i. Set the value of i to 1 outside the loop.
use a switch case inside the loop with type set to int32, give the condition as i
set the cases to 1 and 2
using assign activity you can assign value to string variable consisting the paths of both files.
when coming to type into activity, pass the variable with path from switch case.
after typing increase the value of loop counter by 1.
also check for the condition when the loop variable i’s value exceeds the total number of files in the folder and break out of the loop.
If this response helps you out please mark it as a solution.
Can you help to show a sample? It would be very helpful.thanks
Hi @vignesh.maruthappan ,
I am having studio in my office machine. I can’t provide snaps or Flows from their due to restrictions.
Let me know which part you need clarification on
I can provide with the essential details.
Ok understand.
I have 4 different Files to be opened one by one. To do some changes and save, close.
I have used these steps.
1.With the help of Use application activity opened the application
2.Used Type Into ‘edit’ to go the file location folder
2.Used For each File in folder.(please let me know how to open the file one by one)
Hi @vignesh.maruthappan ,
Before the application scope , make use of for each file in driectory activity to get the names of the files present in the folder dynamically and add the name of the files to the list.
Inside application scope activity have a for loop that will iterate through the strings in the list for every string in list you can concatenate the folder path with current string which would give you the file name add '' between folder path and file name with extension inside the type into.
And proceed to click open button.
Let me know if you have any doubts with the above.
Hope it helps.
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