Upload package into Orchestrator with API from Azure

Hi community!,

I did upload with Uipath Integration from Azure but my agent in windows services was disabled by administrator so I cannot running my agent from services. I ran my agent from command line then it’s error “an error ocuured while sending request” when Agent job running
So now I want to upload package into Orchestrator with API from Azure.
Anyone experience on this?

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Welcome to UiPath community
If we try to do again with API we do get the same above error right
Kindly make sure that you were the required privileges
But still to access orchestrator api
Kindly have a view on this document

Cheers @Muhamad_Ardiansyah

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Hi @Palaniyappan,
Thanks for your feedback.

Do we use Agent also in Azure if we using API?

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Not sure buddy
I need to try once