Upload file activitie from Micrososft 365


I’m currently in the process of uploading a file to SharePoint using the UiPath activity. This automation involves downloading a document from a specific site while utilizing the “wait for download” function to obtain the file path, stored within a variable of the fileinfo type. Subsequently, the goal is to locate and upload this downloaded file to SharePoint via the “upload file activity.”

However, a challenge has arisen: the file input parameter of the activity necessitates an IEnumerable type variable. How can I effectively accomplish this task and overcome this particular obstacle? Your insights would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.


Upload file needs a drive item and iresource I believe…for frive item you can use find files or folders

And for iresource you can use path exists activity ehich has teo outputs one is boolean and other is iresource which cna be used

Hope this helps


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