Update row text in green color in excel

Hello Everyone,

I have an excel where i will lookup some data in excel. If it matches with my condition then that row text should write in green color. Set Range color will not work because the whole row is highlighting with green color.

Please let me know if you know the answer. Really appreciate it


Hi @Chaithanya_Rayankula,
you can find more than one answer in below URL for sovling your issue :slight_smile: if you still face issue please update us :slight_smile:


You can specify a range or a specific cell to change color in set range color…

So even if you need a specific cell or a ramge of cells both can be passed as inputs


@Chaithanya_Rayankula Check this below attached workflow,
Uipath_LookupValue_And_ColorRowText.xaml (6.7 KB)

Files which are used in the workflows:
InputFile.xlsx (8.9 KB)
ColorCellText.txt (270 Bytes)

Hope this may help you :slight_smile: