Update Robot Password in Orchestrator Automatically


We have a requirement to regularly update the passwords used by our Robot Accounts. Currently we are having to manually update them in Orchestrator.

Is there a method to automatically update these passwords


Hi Gary,

There are multiple ways to do this. For example at one of my clients we knew when the passwords were going to be reset (every year). So we had workflows that would do the automatic password reset every year and then update the passwords in orchestrator using the Activities - Set Credential activity. If you are talking about the robot accounts in windows, I think the only way is to do it through API, this endpoint looks good [/odata/Robots({key})].

Another method might be to make it an attended bot that once you notice a password is expired, you run it and it resets the password in the application + updates the password in orchestrator.

Hope this helps!


ideally using password vaults like cyberark,azure keyvault etc would solve the issue
