Update list item error

I am using the below piece of code and getting error at Updating the list item. I am able to connect to that list and able to perform all operations manually, but not via activity -



There could be many reasons
Check on these aspects

  • The field you are trying to update is not set as read-only.
  • The value you are trying to update the field with is invalid. Make sure it is of same type
  • do you have permission to update the list item

Cheers @Mahalakshmi

The above 3 points are checked. But we are still facing the error.

Hello, sorry to interrupt.
I have the same issue in this moment. I need to update only the ‘Status’ column with value ‘In Progress’
The problem appears from another column in the Sharepoint list which is multiple Choice drop down (checkboxes allow multiple selections). Called ‘Departments’
the type of this column is red by UiPath as an Object, which is correct (we may have multiple values in it. ) . The error appears only if the user selects some values in the column (one or many).
When we call the ‘Update List item’ activity it tries to update the whole line. If the filed Departments is empty it removes the column from update query and all works just fine.
IS there a way to invoke code to call ‘Update List Item’ only for one column or several columns? For example, the status colmn (a String) which works just fine.

did you ever get a resolution to your issue with the choice column? I am also facing the same issue where I cannot update a sharepoint list item if the choice column has items populated within it. Appreciate your help

Hey team

The context for how I came to this issue is that I have a list item which I need to update a simple text value for. But there are 20 other columns, one of which is a multi-choice dropdown.

So because they use Patch when calling the MsGraph API, I removed the object from the Office365ListItemField array before submitting the Update List Item call.

Not sure how/if you can resolve - if I get some spare time I’ll try some stuff like converting the object array into a string array / maybe even an array of inner field items.

ListItem.Fields = ListItem.Fields.ToList().Where(function(x) x.DisplayName <> “TroublesomeFieldDisplayName”).ToArray()

UiPath.MicrosoftOffice365.Activities Version 2.6.24