Unzipping files in a location and getting all the files out of that unzipped folder


I have a file location that i go to and i have to get all the zipped files in that location and unzip them in another file location. When unzipped, i have to get all files out of that unzipped folder and put them into the same location as the unzipped folder. ie: just back one folder in the path.

I was able to unzip the file without any problems but just getting the files out of that unzipped folder within the for each loop i am having trouble with.

Transfer_Files.xaml (20.6 KB)



Check this xaml, it will extract files from a zip and place it in a directory. then from that directory it will get all the files.
UnzipFilesAndGetFiles.xaml (8.2 KB)


As I understand, you have list of zip files into the file location and you want to unzip them in another file location.

When you unzip them you are getting all the files out of that folder and put into same location.

You can use the zip file activity and give the file paths as per your requirement.

You can find some relevant activities in the store.,

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