I am trying to understand the DU license Metering and charging logic per below docs
This section includes specific information about the metering & charging logic for page units, depending on the used activity, and explains the page unit cost per page for extractors, OCR engines, classifiers, other components. The extraction for...
According to the docs, we won’t be charged unit cost just for using UiPath Document OCR for Digitization scope ?
And For Classifier Scope, how does it works for licensing ?
pdf = scan pdf with total page 24.
Say we are only looking to extract data from Page Number 10,11 and 12 we wont be charged any unit ? as it fall under 1-24 Document Pages
Hope someone can help me understand.
(Maciej Kuźmicz)
July 25, 2022, 1:49pm
This is my understanding of the documentation as well.
Thanks @loginerror
I contacted the sales and they confirmed that my understanding is correct (except there’s a small cost in classifiction scope) i think, it’s 0.2 per 5 pages. So not exactly free.
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