Unable to use the local form file in create form task activity

Hi ,

I am trying to create the form task in action center but i want to use local uiform
i have given the relative path as mentioned in documentation but it’s keep throwing error message invalid file format parameter “form file path”

note : I tried to give different file types .json , .txt ,. uiform all which i saved from the studio

Thanks & Regards ,
Veeraraj S


Can you please open the exception details from locals panel and check how the complete error looks

Also please expand locals panel and check the current activities values and see if the values look proper

Is the json file saved in the project folder itself?ideally the form task should be present in same folder as the xaml depending on which ontext it is running…


everything looks fine, even file also in project folder itself


Did you happen to oepn exceptuon details…can you please shei that here

Also by any chance are the double quotes extra?


Do you have a file named testForm.json that’s in the main project folder? If it’s in a subfolder of the project, you have to include the relative path.

Both my xaml and form.json in same folder (Main project folder)

What is the form file NAMED?

file name is “TestForm”

Is that the full filename or is it something like TestForm.uiform?