Unable to Use Items Datatable (Extract Document Data) in Studio Web


I am using ‘Extract Document Data’ activity to extract simple field and line item detail from invoice using predefined project type in studio web. By using expression ‘ExtractedData.DocumentMetadata.ResultsAsDataTables’ I am getting list of datatables.


But while writing it to output excel sheet I am getting following error for ‘Items’ datatable.

Please suggest if you have any solution.


As per the screenshot we can see that there is only one table…may be both are extracted in the same table…please check the output

for (1) you are getting null reference because of the same


As per first screenshot, I have used expression ‘ExtractedData.DocumentMetadata.ResultsAsDataTables’ to look for available datatables. As there are two datatables available in the list ‘RootDocumentFields’ and ‘Items’ with index being ‘0’ and ‘1’ resp. In last screenshot for ‘0’ index I am getting only ‘RootDocumentFields’ table and not ‘Items’ table. For 1st index I am getting null reference exception but I have tried applying datatable properties such as rowcount, columncount and I am getting output as well but unable to write ‘Items’ table in excel.

Just to confirm, in your Write Range activity are you writing out ExtractedData.Items?

You can use “Collection to DataTable” to convert the .Items property to a DataTable before writing it out to Excel.
