Unable to run Process in Orchestrator in latest community Edition

Cannot bring the target application in the foreground. RemoteException wrapping UiPath.Core.ElementOperationException: Cannot bring the target application in the foreground.

I am able to run the process when my system is in interactive mode same not working when I Triggered and locked the system.

Using Community Edition and trying to automate UI Application

Version : 2022.4.4

Hi @KarimIndia

For the running the process while the screen is locked you must have an unattended license


if you need a license you contact sales team


HI @KarimIndia

Try with unattended robot.

The unattended robot need license ( cost applicable ) ? I configured 1 unattended robot which is default for community edition. It’s working good when I triggered manually and have open session.
My friends are using Ui Path for similar behavior but they using little old version.

@ Sudharsan_Ka

Hello @KarimIndia

As per my understanding, if you need to execute the workflow on locked screen, then you have to use the unattended robot installed in service mode.
