Unable to retrieve valid attribute in Tabular column

Hi Team,

I am attaching snapshot here. Trying to retrieve data row wise from the table but not able to find the valid attribute like rowIndex or anything in “Find children” activity UI explorer. Just shows heading. Hence unable to read the row wise data to compare and select the particular row.


You can use Table Extraction for this and then do processing on the returned datatable.

If you have to take action on each rows one by one, use For each Ui Element activity to iterate throw the rows/columns.


Can you show what selector you are gettin gif you select a row or a single cell

If idx changes as per rows we can create logic on that


Yes, I tried using Table extraction and saved in excel file and validated the data. Now i tried to select the particular row by using “Select Item” acitivity based on validation, but getting error as “Select Item ‘Place Time Zone Longitu…’: Attribute not supported by the current UiNode.”…unable to select the particular row in that window. Please help.


Table extraction will not work in this case as it’s kind of detached approach. You should be using For Each UiElement activity for this.

Thanks for the support. I have selected the row by using rowindex position from excel.

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