Unable to publish testcase ptoject to the orchestrator

@ppr @Anil_G @Palaniyappan
Unable to publish testcase project to orchestrator.

Using Test Data queue as test data

But it is showing this error

This package contains test cases that reference dynamic test data, which is not compatible with the target Orchestrator. Please upgrade the version of Orchestrator, or remove the dynamic test data from the project.

Please help me on this.


Hi @pravupada

Check on this thread

I hope it helps!!

Hi @lrtetala
Thank you for replying.

This case is different that mine.
I have all the prerequisites on orchestrator.

I am able to run the same testcase from studio with the TestData Queue item but unable to publish it to the orchestrator.

The mentioned error is comming while publishing the package to the orchestrator only.


This is a bug introduced in 23.6 and the fix will be available in 23.8. Meanwhile please downgrade for now to 23.4.3 to fix the issue.

I currently have the same error. When trying to publish a Test Case containing Test Data (Test Data Queue or Data Service) I get an error:

This package contains test cases that reference dynamic test data, which is not compatible with the target Orchestrator. Please upgrade the version of Orchestrator, or remove the dynamic test data from the project.

Last week it was still working properly. What could be causing this problem and how can it be resolved?

This problem still exists :frowning: Any help?