Unable to open the Outlook in PiP Mode

Hello Experts!

I’m trying to run a robot in picture in picture mode but when the bot needs to send an email it can’t access the outlook.


I tried to run as admin, didn’t work.

Also I tried to open only the outlook inside the PiP mode:

Any ideas ?

Thank you

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Hi @Andre_Vieira

You might wanna use start process activity to start outlook in pip mode.

Refer below link for more details:

Please follow these steps, this should work for you.



Hello @Andre_Vieira

I have confirmed that you cannot use outlook from within PIP mode. We had the same problem and a Uipath support ticket had to be raised to confirm this.

Even closing outlook in the main desktop before starting automation in PIP will not work and will result in the same error.

There are two workarounds for this:

The Outlook 365 APIs (I am away from my work laptop, and will confirm to you the exact name) to send emails with your Outlook.

Or try using SMTP email activity to send email using your corporate SMTP server.



Thank you @AndyMenon for confirmation:)

@Andre_Vieira, below is the package name

You can use this to do various operations with outlook.

Else, you can use “Exchange mail message”activity to send mails
“Save mail message” to save emails.

Likewise, there are many other activities that can be used to interact with outlook.

Type in mail in your activity panel and it show all activities related to mail.


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Thank you @sonaliaggarwal47 :slight_smile:


Look what I found on the 2021.8 preview release!


This might not be immediately useful, but I will post it here as it fits the context of PIP.

I discovered that the most reliable way to start a program inside of PIP is using the Win+r option.

For example: MS Edge does not open when clicked on the icon, but opens when this path is plugged into the Run box inside of the PIP Window:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe --profile-directory=Default


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