Unable to extract the table from the email body using table extraction in the Development server with Studio version 2023.4.4 (Enterprise Edition)

I’m unable to extract the table from the email body using table extraction in the Development server with Studio version 2023.4.4 (Enterprise Edition). However, I can extract the table easily from the same email on the Production server with the same Studio version. Why is this happening, and how can I achieve the same in the Development UiPath Studio?

It shows Following error in UI path Studio( Develpment server ) -

Please help me !

Kindly check this thread

Tried All this Things, still not able to extract the table. @Gayathri_Mk

Hi @Ajinya_jorwekar ,

Could you maybe re-check on the Email input that was provided to the Dev Studio and Prod, if they are the same and also if the Dependency package versions are the same ?

If possible do let us know the differences that was found when comparing both scenarios.

Yes, all are same, Same Mail Input, but not able to extract on Development server, Same we can extract the data in Production Server Studio