Unable to Convert the XML Document into Word Document

Hi all,

I was unable to Convert the XML Document into Word Document. Could anyone help me on this one ?

Thanks in advance,
Jayavignesh G

Hi @Jayavignesh_G

Check on this

Try this

  1. Read the XML file: Use the “Read Text File” activity to read the XML file and store the content in a string variable.
  2. Create a Word document: Use the “Create Word Document” activity to create a new Word document. You can specify the output file path and assign it to a Word Application Scope variable.
  3. Convert XML to Word: Within the Word Application Scope, use the “Insert XML” activity to insert the XML content into the Word document. This activity will convert the XML content into a structured format within the Word document.
  4. Save and close the Word document: Use the “Save Document” and “Close Document” activities to save and close the Word document respectively.


We don’t have anything in the name of “Insert XML”. I guess this will not be suitable one.
